Make Your Payment Your Way with Loan Xpress Pay!
Make secure payments quickly and easily using Loan Xpress Pay. It's convenient, easy to use and quick to utilize by using a savings or checking account from another financial institution to make the payment. You can even set up automatic payments so that your payments are never late. Use Loan Xpress Pay to quickly make a payment to your APL FCU loan from another financial institution. Payments can be made using:
Ready to Make a Payment?There are two ways to make your payments: Loan Xpress Pay - make a payment to your APL FCU loan from another financial institution with the PAY MY LOAN link in the top right corner of our homepage. Pay as a "Guest" to quickly pay your loan or register to set up an account if you plan on using this option frequently or plan to set up recurring payments. APL FCU Mobile App - make your loan payment from your APL FCU checking or savings account. There is no charge to make your payment with our mobile app. If you do not have our mobile app, you may download our app from the App Store or Google Play by searching: APL FCU. You will find the Loan Xpress Payment option within the hamburger menu of the app.